Terms and Conditions
- Using this website, it is assumed that you are of legal trading age of 18years or older
- Clients enter individualized agreements and contracts with Envisage Cloud Solutions based on their specific requirements with terms agreed upon as requirement.
- Clients will refrain from using resource to publishing or engage in any illegal nor any other activities that is not part of the original agreements entered into.
- Clients are referred to the relevant AUP and FUP documentation below, and grant Envisage Cloud Solutions t/a HeViS.Co Systems the rights and permissions to remove, suspend or terminate services and content that violates the agreements or any other laws as might be required
- Clients will not engage in any unsolicited emails (SPAM) and any such actions could lead to service suspension and termination. For any SPAM related issue, please send to abuse@envisage.co.za
- For any domestic violence, or other requests related to the documents below, contact legal@hevis.co.za
- In terms of section 75 of the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act (“the Act”) Envisage Cloud Solutions t/a HeViS.Co Systems Pty Ltd has designated the Internet Service Providers’ Association (ISPA) as an agent to receive notifications of infringements as defined in Section 77 of the Act. Details for ISPA are:
Internet Service Providers' Association (ISPA)
Telephone: 010 500 1200
Email: complaints@ispa.org.za